Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Target Tuesday

PHEEEW it is hot as a mother out there...and it is only going to get hotter!! Yay for Target Tuesday...shout out to Tara @ Fabulous but Evil, thank you girl for the link up!! Hope everybody is having a great day! I actually went to Target yesterday to get my little one a big girl car seat!! Pics to come later! She is growing up way to fast. *tear* . I saw a ton of stuff that I want. I am in love with the Calypso St. Barth collection.

(for my little pooty)

**I wish, I wish, I wish I lived at the beach or at least went down every weekend. It is just a tease to live 2 hours away but never drive down there. *sigh* . Definitley going to drag the hubs down there again this year.**

Have a great Tuesday!!


  1. That maxi dress is SO cute! I need it!!

  2. Even though I can't smell via computer, I would still buy that candle. It's pretty! lol
