Saturday, May 14, 2011

Up early this morning....

Not by choice.....I was was forced awake by B (from here on out I am going to refer to my husband as B) who was wondering where this strange sound was coming from....apparently when I was filling the water bowl up for our dog, I forgot to turn it off. heee heee oops, I distinctly remember standing by the faucet saying "lefty loosey, righty tighty". I guess I just said it in my head and never acted on it. Anywho, since about 6:30 I have been helping B with the farm. We snuck off though so I could check Facebook, get some grub, let the lil one nap, and holla at y'all.


Hope y'all are having a great Saturday!! &&&& congrats to everybody who is graduating this weekend! Gotta show some love to my NC schools!!! Go BLUE DEVILS...heeee heeee


  1. Found you on 20sb!! Love the tarheels!! Great blog!!

  2. I think we all have those moments when we space out. I thought I turned the TV off this morning before going grocery shopping and I didn't! I also found you on 20SB!
